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Remigiusz Adamek |
Bartłomiej Ordanik |
set 1 |
set 2 |
set 3 |
set 4 |
set 5 |
3 |
6 |
Complete statistics for this match are available after login. |
Club where the match was played Kortowo Tennis Club | |
The match has been completed 2013-06-15 09:00-11:00 and lasted 02:00 |
Match played in the system to 1 won sets |
The match belongs to the competition |
ARTCUP 2013 |
dated 2013-06-15 09:00 DEBLE MĘŻCZYZN OPEN FINAŁY |
The match is part of the competition in the tournament |
Tournament : ARTCUP 2013 |

Gratulacje :)
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