The match has been completed 2010-06-30 11:33-13:33 and lasted 02:00
Match played in the system to 2 won sets
Friendly Match - does not belong to any tournament or league competition.
Innovational platform for publication of sport events and achievements.
A convenient approach for the publication of tournament and league information and lightning fast registration, if you actively participate.
Your own statistics and the possibility to edit your own profile (photos, characteristics and descriptions).
You can easily input personal results from the matches you played in all sport centers around the globe.
TENIHEAD enables comparing your results against other selected player(s)
Be up to date with your friends' results.
Tournament and league organization simplified to the minimum
TENIQO is a system developed for organizing leagues and tournaments in tennis, table-tennis, badminton and squash. Convenient and lightning-fast tools: TENIPLANNER - for planning games, TENICAST - for displaying current results and TENISCORE - for judging and statistics, available to judges, organizators, trainers and players.
TENIQO is able to publish information throughout the whole community gathered around event, sport, tournaments or leagues. You don't need to worry - all information will automatically be shared on Facebook and other social networks.
Automatic publishing of information about your tournaments and leagues on your webpage in TENIQO.
If you want information to be presented directly on your webpage you can use TENIGET, which can be easily installed on any webpage. With no delay you will be able to present current information with your sports center, tournament, league or ranking directly on your webpage.
Organization of tournaments, leagues and rankings has never been so easy!
Access to complete history of matches, tournaments and leagues results.
Watching live transmissions of matches with complete LIVESCORE statistics.
Ability to comment and be actively present in your sport community.
Ability to build up your account with your club, tournament and many other profiles.
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